The objective of the SHAR-EEN project is to identify and link-up collaborative economy platforms, exchange experiences with all relevant stakeholders and help European SMEs, social enterprises and other relevant actors to exploit the opportunities offered by the sharing economy.
With the involvement of 8 EEN partners from 6 countries, the project involves the exchange of experiences and thus the design of better tuned advisory services for SMEs as well as the creation of synergies among regional platforms by mapping, identifying and selecting those European initiatives, SMEs and social enterprises, entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs with high-growth potential and ability to benefit from the shared economy based on an assessment of their needs and potential risks.
SHAR-EEN links-up and establishes a strong cooperation with existing or new collaborative economy initiatives at regional, national or EU level and organises events to discuss the development of the collaborative economy in Europe as well as designing and delivering face-to-face and online training/mentoring services.