12th of May 2017 SERN - Startup Europe Regions Network

On April 2017, ASTER S.Cons.p.A. became member of SERN, the organisation who gathers EU regions with a strong commitment to support startups
SERN focuses its activiites on the mapping and promotion of support activities to startups conducted at regional level across Europe and in mobilizing regional efforts to address relevant barriers to startups’ growth, such as harmonization of policies and regulations, access to talent and to major research infrastructures.


4,5 ml€ for a regional call to sup­port the startup and scale up of new innovative companies in Emilia-Romagna.
The call is directed to sup­port the startup and scale up of new in­no­v­a­tive, cre­ative and knowl­edge-in­ten­sive com­pa­nies and thus con­tribute to the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the Emilia-Romagna re­gional Smart Spe­cial­iza­tion Strat­egy (S3), that aims to re­in­force through new tech­nol­ogy in­puts the re­gional basic con­sol­i­dated clus­ters (me­chan­i­cal en­gi­neer­ing, agri-food and con­struc­tion), emerg­ing and in­no­v­a­tive clus­ters (health and well­ness, cul­tural and cre­ative in­dus­tries, innovation in services) and knowl­edge in­ten­sive and pro­fes­sional ser­vices. Applicants shall demonstrate that their business project will have positive impacts on these sectors.

5th of April 2017 R2B 2017 - Innovate your business

From 8 to 9 June, Research to Business is bringing the innovation protagonists in Emilia-Romagna
Conferences, workshops, services and one-to-one international meetings: participate in R2B and join the Emilia-Romagna innovation community.

4th of April 2017 Travel grants to financially support participants outside Italy in their coming to Innovat&Match

Apply before 5 May 2017
In 2017 at its 11th edition, Innovat&Match is the brokerage event featuring two days of bilateral business meetings focused on technology, research and innovation, organized by ASTER S. Cons. p. A. The event will be held in Bologna (Italy) on 8 and 9 June 2017 in the framework of R2B - Research to Business, the International Industrial Research Exhibition promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region, Bologna Fiere, ASTER and Smau.