ICT, Industria Creativa e Design

Slowd (MO)

Slowd is a platform that believes in genuine "zero kilometre" design, bringing together emerging designers, artisans and customers. The projects of selected designers are uploaded to the site, customers place their orders and the artisan closest to the customer creates the finished piece.

The profound expertise of the quality craftsman is networked with the most talented emerging designers, resulting in a peer-to-peer network of projects.

Crank-Up (BO)

Established as a general partnership in January 2012, Crank-Up celebrates sports, sports-related activities and the promotion of shared moments through the use of web and digital applications.

The company uses and offers a search service for people who might ordinarily be strangers to sporting activity, who can then get together and play, as well as sharing all relevant event and user information from various disciplines. The service uses an easy-to-use geolocation system with a simple filter system.

Caffeina (PR)

Caffeina is an Italian Creative Company that transforms brands in Experience Brands, thanks to the creation of impactful experiences that input new energy in people and brands.

It has a team of over 130 professionals, who work on integrated communications campaigns and digital innovation projects in multidisciplinary teams, that give structure to Strategy, Design, Communication and Technology.

Cryptolab srl (RA)

Encryption, computer security, algorithms, telecommunications, cloud computing: these are the areas in which CryptoLab, a cryptographic research laboratory founded by Massimo Bertaccini, Alessandro Passerini and Tiziana Landi, operates. Bertaccini was among the winners of the second annual Innovami IPR Prize, which enabled him to apply for the patent on the following online encryption and data security software: the MB09 and MB11. These aim to reduce the use of passwords required for online transactions, resulting in increased levels of identity assurance.