Cv sara monesi

Sara Monesi
Sara Monesi
Startup Area Manager & Le Serre di ART-ER Incubator Manager

With a degree in Electronic Engineering obtained with honours, and a master's degree in telecommunications industry, she has worked in the software industry and telecommunications for about 10 years in large companies as Honeywell, Telecom Italy and NoemaLife. She’s the StartUp Area Manager in ART-ER,and supports entrepreneurs-to-be and newly established companies. From 2004 to 2013, she has directed for ART-ER two incubator programs funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, which have supported over 100 innovative startups.  In her role of manager of the StartUp Area, she’s coordinating various national and international programs in favour of startups and is the Incubator manager and tutor at Le Serre di ART-ER.

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