Provincia di Ravenna


H-PROHUB Certified Incubator according with the Italian Law, Human Proximity Hub, represents the Innovation Center of t


BIG, Boost Innovation Garage, is a community of startups, talents, freelancers, SMEs, corporates, investors and institutions engaged in


G-Factor is a reactive environment whose aim is to support new entrepreneurs and researchers with high entrepreneurial potential to beco

Tecnopolo di Ferrara

The Ferrara Technopole is the place where businesses can meet researchers, acquire competencies and use current technology to innovate,

Tecnopolo di Ravenna - Sede di Ravenna e Faenza

Il Tecnopolo di Ravenna, con le sue 2 sedi presso il Campus Universitario di Ravenna e il Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Torricelli di Faenza, offre accesso a 6 laboratori di ricerca industriale dotati di competenze e strumentazioni di eccellenza in grado di supportare la capacità di ricerca e innovazione delle imprese.

200 Crowd

an equity crowdfunding portal authorized by Consob, which makes it possible to invest easily in private unlisted companies.


CrowdFundMe is the pioneering equity crowdfunding portal in Italy, a leader in the number of investors and of successful campaigns.


Mamacrowd is the leading Italian equity crowdfunding platform for capital raised and is managed by SiamoSoci, Italian leader in matching

Fondazione Grameen Italia

Together with its partners, the Grameen Italia Foundation designs highly inclusive microcredit programs and supports credit beneficiaries during