Provincia di Ferrara


The project allows for the possibility for startuppers to access the system by entering their own data on the Training Offices site, the selection of the best ideas by the joint committee of Intesa Sanpaolo and Confindustria, access to the necessary training to transform them into a sustainable business and see them publicised along with Confindustria's SMEs and to be included in the "Best Ideas Showcase".

Fondazione Aldini Valeriani

The Aldini Valeriani Foundation (FAV) is Unindustria Bologna's Industrial Management School. It offers rich, innovative and well-structured training with the goal of creating innovation in companies by transforming knowledge into competitiveness.


T3LAB is a non-profit consortium that carries out industrial research projects and technology transfer between academia and business in the field of applied electronics and ICT. The Laboratory provides those with whom it collaborates with a whole set of solutions that increase innovation and competitiveness.


SIMPLER is a consortium that counts Aster as a member and operates within the Enterprise Europe Network, providing services for innovation and the internationalisation of SMEs.

Fare Lavoro

Fare Lavoro is an Association made up of a group of entrepreneurs, consultants freelance professionals and artisans working together to


LugoNextLab is a development agency and an economic innovation centre, as well as an enterprise incubator. It provides consulting, training, innovation services, networking and assistance in searching for partners.


Founded in 1979, IRECOOP Emilia-Romagna is a cooperative society that develops human resources and the promotion of a cooperative culture.

Incredibol! L'innovazione creativa di Bologna

INCREDIBOL! — l’INnovazione CREativa DI BOLogna — is a project that supports the development of cultural and creative businesses in Emilia-Romagna. Established in 2010, it is coordinated by the City of Bologna and supported by the Emilia-Romagna region.

Erasmus per giovani imprenditori

Erasmus per Giovani Imprenditori è il programma di scambi finanziato dalla Commissione Europea e al quale partecipano 38 stati europei. Il programma, attivo dal 2009, dà l’opportunità di fare esperienze d'impresa in aziende di altri Paesi europei, stimolando l’internazionalizzazione delle PMI e la creazione di startup grazie al trasferimento di conoscenze tra nuovi imprenditori o aspiranti tali e imprenditori con esperienza.