Respyra is a device purposely designed for eliminating viruses and bacteria from the air, while it is also effective for eliminating dust, odours, mould, fungi, and pollen.
Thanks to an innovative photocatalytic purification system it can decontaminate indoor air of all pathogenic agents and pollutants through an oxidization process at ambient temperature using the oxygen present in the air and with light produced by specific UV lamps.
Unlike normal air purification systems that trap pollutants in conventional filters rather than eliminating them, Respyra is able to break them down, constantly eliminating them, all without any daily management costs.
Respyra ensures constantly healthy air in indoor environments 24 hours a day without releasing any compounds harmful to health like ozone or free radicals.
Respyra can be located anywhere, electric consumption is low, and it is silent (30 dB).
Respyra has been tested at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Turin.
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