A limited company established in December 2011, Hivejobs introduces an innovative recruiting system, using an online platform and the evaluation of specialised professionals working in the same field as the candidates. This is a new method of crowd-recruiting, offering the market a faster, more qualified, more specialised and more economical research and selection model.
Hivejobs is aimed at companies looking for talent but not interested in screening hundreds of CVs, organising dozens of interviews or undergoing a long consultation process. It is also aimed at jobseekers who want to avoid trawling through endless classifieds and lengthy applications, which often remain unanswered.
Founded by Alessandro Raguseo and Daniele Bacchi, previously managers from Obiettivo Lavoro, Hivejobs is an Italian company in operation since completing its startup phase in July 2012. Thanks to an innovative business model and the development of a proprietary technical infrastructure, Hivejobs has the capacity to deliver services globally, with no geographic limitations.