Oltrecafé produces the first Italian coffee pellet and at the same time creates the first closed-loop business: the second life cycle given to coffee generates an innovative and 100% recycled product designed to green customers who choose renewable energy for heating.
It also produces a wood pellet that comes from selected recycling sources in order to avoid logging and to make the most of the unused local resources.
Oltrecafé proposes sustainable closed-loop businesses offering solutions to those companies that are trying to eliminate their environmental impact by reusing their waste.
Oltrecafé was born to meet the demand for energy by providing eco-friendly pellets that help reduce the environmental impact and the expenditure on heating. In this way they seek to promote the economic and social development of our communities (- waste, + work). Oltrecafé offers a tailor-made approach to waste recycling that enables the development of ad hoc recycling solutions and the production of high-value added components.
Oltrecafé provides a service to collect coffee grounds for subsequent recycling. As research continues, coffee grounds are recycled into pellets and sustainable materials. These Italian pellets are produced in the territory at competitive costs for all those companies owning biomass stoves and boilers.
In Italy around 360,000 tons of coffee grounds are deposited in landfills every year, generating management costs of at least € 21 million and emitting 131,400 tons of CO2. Oltrecafé creates a pellet with great calorific value and helps save hundreds of trees. It also develops studies and experiments to improve coffee grounds and the management of production residues in general.