4,5 ml€ for a regional call to sup­port the startup and scale up of new innovative companies in Emilia-Romagna.



The goal is to sup­port the cre­ation, growth - and also the establishment of companies in Emilia-Romagna from abroad- of highly in­no­v­a­tive star­tups that can approach new mar­ket niches through new prod­ucts, ser­vices and pro­duc­tion sys­tems, able to meet the main global trends and create em­ploy­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties.

Foreign startups that intend to apply can contact the EmiliaRomagnaStartup network of incubators and business support operators for assistance in filling the application form.

An office is furthermore available in Bologna (at Le Serre di ASTER incubator) to facilitate their journey and their access to the regional network.


Type A. Early stage/start up, for ini­tial in­vest­ment and con­sult­ing directed to enterprises incorporated after 1st January 2014

Type B. Ex­pan­sion, for startups incorporated after 1st April 2012


The overall bud­get of the call is 4,5 ml €.

El­i­gi­ble ex­penses

For Type A:

  • ma­chin­ery, equip­ment, in­stal­la­tions, hard­ware and soft­ware, strictly func­tional furniture;
  • rent and lease of lab­o­ra­to­ries and sci­en­tific equip­ment (up to 20% of the costs);
  • pur­chase of patents, li­censes and/or soft­ware from ex­ter­nal par­ties;
  • in­cor­po­ra­tion ex­penses (max € 2.000);
  • pro­mo­tional ex­penses in­clud­ing participation in fairs and events (max € 25.000);
  • ex­ter­nal con­sul­tancies not re­lated to or­di­nary ad­min­is­tra­tion.

For Type B:

  • ac­qui­si­tion of seats for pro­duc­tion, lo­gis­tics and trad­ing. Com­pa­nies whose reg­is­tered of­fices are out­side the Emilia-Ro­magna Re­gion are al­lowed to buy only pro­duc­tion sites on the Emilia-Romagna re­gional ter­ri­tory (max 50% costs);
  • ma­chin­ery, equip­ment, in­stal­la­tions, hard­ware and soft­ware, strictly func­tional furniture;
  • rent and lease of lab­o­ra­to­ries and sci­en­tific equip­ment (up to 20% of the costs);
  • pur­chase of patents, li­censes and/or soft­ware from ex­ter­nal par­ties;
  • pro­mo­tional ex­penses in­clud­ing participation in fairs and events (up to 10% of the costs);
  • ex­ter­nal con­sul­tancies not re­lated to or­di­nary ad­min­is­tra­tion.

Min­i­mum overall bud­get of the pro­jects


High Tech com­pa­nies

Dig­i­tal com­pa­nies for CCI application, social innovation, innovation in services and high intensive knowledge services

Type A.

Early stage

80,000 €

50,000 €

Type B.


150,000 €

80,000 €

Fi­nan­cial equi­lib­rium con­di­tion

To be ad­mit­ted, firms must demonstrate the fi­nan­cial cov­er­age of the pro­ject bud­get, ac­cord­ing to the fol­low­ing scheme:

I = P + F,

where, I is the total request of contribution, P is the in­crease of cap­i­tal (min. 15%), F are bank loans.


Re­gional grant

The Re­gion will con­tribute by 60% to the ex­penses of the overall project bud­get.

Max­i­mum grants

  • Type A: 100,000 €
  • Type B: 250,000 €

Du­ra­tion of the pro­jects

  • Type A: 12 months
  • Type B: 18 months


Eval­u­a­tion cri­te­ria

  • de­gree of in­no­va­tion of the prod­uct/ser­vice;
  • qual­ity and sus­tain­abil­ity of the busi­ness plan.


Ap­pli­ca­tions may be sub­mit­ted from 10th May (10am) to 30th November 2017 (5pm) on­line only, using the ap­pli­ca­tion that will be avail­able on the Emilia-Ro­magna Re­gion web­site.

Pro­jects will be eval­u­ated in 3 different blocks:

  • 1st evaluation (15 sept 2017): project recieved from 10 May to 30th June
  • 2nd evaluation (15 nov 2017): project recieved from 1st July to 30 September;
  • 3rd evaluation (15 feb 2018): project recieved from 1 October to 30 November.


The call  was ap­proved by the Re­gional Coun­cil (regulation n. 451, April 2017).


For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion you can con­tact:









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