
Kool (FE)

Kool is an Italian marketplace that enables clothes shops to earn from unsold goods, and users to purchase fashion mystery boxes from the shops involved by taking part in exclusive monthly sales-events.

The company's name derives not just from its assonance with "Cool", but is also an anagram of "Look", with explicit reference to the fashion sector, in which Kool sets itself the aim of redefining the relationship between discount shopping and warehouse remainders, often destined for disposal a non-recyclable waste.

Zero3 srl (RA)

Zero3's services include system design, environmental consulting, production feasibility analyses, thermographs and thermographic diagnosis. They offer a product line branded 03 Stabilizer® relevant to decarbonisation, environmental sustainability, and energy transition.


BIG, Boost Innovation Garage, is a community of startups, talents, freelancers, SMEs, corporates, investors and institutions engaged in


E-HUB is an incubator for start-ups operating in the hi-tech sector (electronics and software) that allows innovators t


L'associazione StartYouUp (SYU) nasce per offrire un concreto supporto agli studenti e ai laureati che desiderano avvicinarsi al mondo dell’imprenditorialità, in quanto ideatori di un progetto innovativo o mossi dalla volontà di mettere in gioco le proprie competenze. Organizza insieme all’Alma Mater Studiorum lo StartUp Day dell’Università di Bologna.


4,5 ml€ for a regional call to sup­port the startup and scale up of new innovative companies in Emilia-Romagna.
The call is directed to sup­port the startup and scale up of new in­no­v­a­tive, cre­ative and knowl­edge-in­ten­sive com­pa­nies and thus con­tribute to the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the Emilia-Romagna re­gional Smart Spe­cial­iza­tion Strat­egy (S3), that aims to re­in­force through new tech­nol­ogy in­puts the re­gional basic con­sol­i­dated clus­ters (me­chan­i­cal en­gi­neer­ing, agri-food and con­struc­tion), emerg­ing and in­no­v­a­tive clus­ters (health and well­ness, cul­tural and cre­ative in­dus­tries, innovation in services) and knowl­edge in­ten­sive and pro­fes­sional ser­vices. Applicants shall demonstrate that their business project will have positive impacts on these sectors.

26th of June 2019 Get an office and access our network

An office in Bologna dedicated to host foreign startups
Le Serre di ART-ER is the incubator to host and support startups from Bologna and surroundings.

CNA Emilia Romagna

CNA Emilia Romagna represents the region's small to medium enterprises and the self-employed. It offers its associates representation, information, support and services, communicating directly on their behalf with all of the various social, economic and political institutions in the region.