Walk+ is a platform that hosts digital guides for Italian walks.
We apply NFC technology combined with a state-of-art application to improve the safety of hikers and promote access to local culture.
Our app provides users with all the information they need for a safe excursion, including emergency numbers, location of water sources, where to eat and sleep, route, distance, and height difference.
During an excursion hikers can indicate any problems encountered along the route to help improve path maintenance. They also receive warnings of potential hazards so as to avoid them in advance and continue their journey in safety.
Physical devices are scattered along the route for interfacing with. Once these are activated with a smartphone they give access to a world of information, making the experience more culturally complete.
We believe that hiking is a healthy and highly sustainable form of tourism that stimulates the economies of depressed areas. Our aim is provide all necessary instruments in an app that is intuitive and easy to use, but at the same time highly innovative.
Application Sector
Smart Specialisation Strategy
Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies
Founder and CEO
Via Statale Est
Fiorano Modenese
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