INCREDIBOL! (Bologna’s Creative Innovation) is a project started in 2010 to promote creative and cultural activities in Emilia-Romagna region.
The INCREDIBOL! project is coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna and supported by the Emilia-Romagna Region in conjunction with public and private players and includes:
- a recurrent call to promote the creation of start-ups in the creative and cultural sector
- a recurrent call to foster the internationalization of regional creative companies
- a consulting desk service (upon appointment only)
- premises and venues owned by the Municipality of Bologna and given on gratuitous loan to cultural entities and creative professionals
- infos and opportunities published on the official website www.incredibol.net, on the Facebook page and under the "creative" section of www.emiliaromagnastartup.it
- organization of free workshops, public meetings, networking and b2b events, etc
- special and pilot projects and participation in European projects, networks and international activities about ICC
Moreover the project is based on a regional public/private network offering guidance, training, ad-hoc consulting services according to the needs of the call winners.
The ICC sector plays an ever more important role in our area, not only in terms of economic development and job creation, but also in terms of social innovation, urban rehabilitation and life quality improvement. Emilia-Romagna Region acknowledged this importance by including this development strategy within the broader 'smart specialization strategy' 2014-2020, as known as “S3”, underscoring its partially still unleashed potential and launching new policies and supporting actions.
2011, special prize for young cultural policies “Cultura di Gestione” Federculture
2013, best Italian project of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards within the category Improving the Business Environment
2014, Culture For Cities and Regions, network EUROCITIES, Good practice
2015, ETF European Training Foundation Good Practice
2017, URBACT Good Practice