20th of April 2018 Brokerage Event Innovat&Match 2018 | 7-8 June 2018, Bologna (Italy)

Up to 15 grants covering travel costs available to support organizations and individuals from outside Italy in their participation to the event

The regional brokerage event Innovat&Match 2018, this year at its 12° edition, will take place in Bologna on 7 and 8 June 2018, in the framework of R2B - Research to Business 2018, the l Exhibition on Industrial Research and competences for Innovation promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region, Bologna Fiere, ASTER and Smau.


B2b meetings will focus on:

10th of January 2018 EIT RawMaterials Booster Call 2018

Deadline: 31 March 2018
Up to 60.000 euro for startups and SMEs active in the raw material sector for feasibility studies, market validation, pilot tests and growth.

28th of May 2019 #ItalyFrontiers: how to find Italian innovative SMEs and startups

A free and customised platform set up by the Italian Government dedicated to new companies that focus on innovation and internationalisation

The aim of #ItalyFrontiers, the Italian database of innovative SMEs and Startups, is to enhance and support the Italian excellence in terms of innovation and  competitiveness on international markets.

It is a "digital home" for startups and SMEs, where one can find business realities characterised by "business 2.0" idea.

28th of May 2019 Italia Startup Visa & Italia Startup Hub

The Italian Government policies to attract and retain innovative entrepreneurs from all over the world
Find out more about Italian policies to support foreign talent and innovative collaboration.

28th of May 2019 Investor Visa for Italy

A new platform to support foreign investments in Italy
The program is aimed at citizens from outside the EU or the Schengen Area who invest regularly in Italian innovative businesses.

12th of May 2017 SERN - Startup Europe Regions Network

On April 2017, ASTER S.Cons.p.A. became member of SERN, the organisation who gathers EU regions with a strong commitment to support startups
SERN focuses its activiites on the mapping and promotion of support activities to startups conducted at regional level across Europe and in mobilizing regional efforts to address relevant barriers to startups’ growth, such as harmonization of policies and regulations, access to talent and to major research infrastructures.

22nd of March 2021 Emilia Romagna in Silicon Valley

The Emilia-Romagna Region base in Silicon Valley.
The Emilia-Romagna Region base in Silicon Valley to support startups in their internationalization process and in their approach to the Silicon Valley mindset.


4,5 ml€ for a regional call to sup­port the startup and scale up of new innovative companies in Emilia-Romagna.
The call is directed to sup­port the startup and scale up of new in­no­v­a­tive, cre­ative and knowl­edge-in­ten­sive com­pa­nies and thus con­tribute to the im­ple­men­ta­tion of the Emilia-Romagna re­gional Smart Spe­cial­iza­tion Strat­egy (S3), that aims to re­in­force through new tech­nol­ogy in­puts the re­gional basic con­sol­i­dated clus­ters (me­chan­i­cal en­gi­neer­ing, agri-food and con­struc­tion), emerg­ing and in­no­v­a­tive clus­ters (health and well­ness, cul­tural and cre­ative in­dus­tries, innovation in services) and knowl­edge in­ten­sive and pro­fes­sional ser­vices. Applicants shall demonstrate that their business project will have positive impacts on these sectors.

5th of April 2017 R2B 2017 - Innovate your business

From 8 to 9 June, Research to Business is bringing the innovation protagonists in Emilia-Romagna
Conferences, workshops, services and one-to-one international meetings: participate in R2B and join the Emilia-Romagna innovation community.
