
BB EVO is an innovative start-up company that supports new projects in the mechanical and hydraulic areas.
BB EVO is an innovative start-up company that supports new projects in the mechanical and hydraulic areas.
Hipert SRL is a spin-off from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. It was initiated in 2020 by Prof. Marko Bertogna and emerged from the HiPeRT laboratory, where research groups were seeking to exploit the performance/power of parallel processing platforms in a predictable manner, and in application contexts in which temporal constraints are critical.
ASTRACEC SRL is a mechanical engineering firm designing, manufacturing, and marketing industrial quality control machines for the pharmaceuticals sector.
ASTRACEC SRL produce automatic machines for testing the airtightness of medical bags (also called leak testing) for intravenous infusion fluids.
We apply an innovative patented technology that offers considerable advantages compared to other technologies available on the market:
MO-TEC srl is an innovative startup operating in the motor vehicle sector, in particular providing equipment for the vehicle workshop, aerospace, and mining sectors.
The company has two partners supported by an external consultant.
Our core business is AN ELECTRONICALLY AUTOMATED LIFTING SYSTEM, for which we hold our own PATENTED system.
SmartFluidPower simulate components and systems in the world of fluid power, a discipline that deals with the generation, modulation, and transmission of power using pressurized fluids.
Roboprint was born out of the fusion of the two apparently remote worlds of the versatile and well established tampographic printing method, and robotics, which is able to extend the potential of the former in fully customized integrations.
Our comprehensive knowledge of the main printing techniques including tampographic, screen, and transfer printing, hot stamping and all the associated production issues, makes Roboprint an ideal professional partner.
Development and fine tuning of a device for confinement and reinforcement of beam/pillar junctions in existing structures in SRC constructed in compliance with technical building standards and relative explanatory circular c.s.ll.pp. n. 7. Xnode addresses a B2B target market (engineering offices, building companies) as well as public authorities.
Existing practice in the door and window frame market oblige final users to choose between sound shielding and air quality derived from good ventilation, without considering the energy consumption of certain mechanized systems.
Sound maTERia make door and window frames applying passive metamaterial technologies that are energy self-sufficient, high performance, and made from recycled materials.
Our windows can be adapted to any shape and size and enable public and private organizations to create quieter healthier interior spaces.
The main mission of the company is the research, development, production, and marketing of innovative high-tech products and services in Italy and abroad, including the use of patents.
There are two main areas of application:
Machines and consultancy for sustainable packaging solutions.