
Sinteria S.r.l. (MO)

SINTERIA SRL is an innovative startup established in 2021 from the Additive Manufacturing division of the company Controllo Qualità srl. Its aim is to become a benchmark company in the development of new materials for the additive manufacturing world.

Our daily mission is to provide advanced services that improve the efficiency of additive manufacturing processes.


Similla offer innovative digital solutions for the development of advanced materials in hi-tech applications.

Similla integrates virtual models, artificial intelligence, and big data in order to accelerate the design of materials and innovative processes for critical applications in sectors of significant technological impact like: advanced manufacturing, health (biomedical devices, biomaterials), energy (batteries and storage, solar power, etc.), the environment, and agri-food (sensors, etc.).

ZENIT Smart Polycrystals (RA)

ZENIT's business idea of Smart Polycrystals is based on the production and sale of polycrystals for the solid state laser (SSL) machine market.

Existing SSL systems have high manufacturing costs and the machines are heavy and bulky. These laser beams are generated by a single-crystal that heats up locally during laser emission, causing the temporary deformation of the crystalline cell, degrading the quality of the beam and reducing its efficiency.

Neurality srl (RN)

Neurality has realized an SaaS for analysing images and video applying artificial intelligence techniques with the aim of extracting crucial information for the businesses in which they are used.

After successful applications in the medical world, the Neurality methods are expanding to other markets, including industry and agri-food.

Nanoproject (FE)

Nanoproject is an innovative and highly specialised company in the development and use of nanotechnologies.

Nanotechnologies give new features and properties to superficially treated materials as well as product and process improvements.

Through patents and proprietary technologies this company is constantly introducing new applications in the most varied fields, such as the industrial, civil, automotive, naval, commercial or construction one.

Due2Lab Srl (PR)

Starting out in academic laboratories, due2lab s.r.l. brings its top-level research expertise in Physics, Electronics and Materials Science to the manufacture of innovative devices, particularly in the field of ionising radiation detection.

To date, due2lab is the only Italian company and one of a few in the entire world capable of producing and processing semiconductor crystals of CZT (Cadmium Zinc Telluride), creating with them unique detectors with spectroscopic capabilities.

Akkutrack (FE)

Akkutrack is a startup that produces and markets innovative optoelectronic tools for applications in the concentrated photovoltaic market, known as CPV.

In the field of renewable energies, concentrated photovoltaics is one of the fastest-growing areas. Akkutrack s.r.l. in particular proposes innovative pointing sensors that can improve the performance of a solar concentration system, monitoring and correcting pointing errors, simultaneously measuring direct solar radiation from the sun and increasing the efficiency of the system in terms of energy production.