Innovative Services

Stars & Cows (MO)

Stars & Cows è una start up innovativa nata nel 2015 con l'obiettivo di fornire alle aziende, ai giovani ed al territorio servizi in ambito Risorse Umane e Consulenza professionale, avvalendosi anche di una rete di ex Senior Manager.

Metaring (BO)

Metaring allows software houses and freelancers to produce software faster and with fewer bugs.

This is possible thanks to our intuitive web interface, which allows business people with no technical background to be able to design exactly the software they need.

From this design, our generators automatically produce the contract documentation, the software structure (using the most common programming languages) and the test plans.

BEEing (RA)

BEEing is a startup born of Roberto and Gabriele's passion for apiculture. Representing a fundamental element of Nature, bees not only produce honey (a delicious and healthy sweetener) but more importantly, they pollinate flowers and allow fruit to grow.