
Genius4U (BO)

Genius4U is a platform dedicated to company welfare that offers businesses and employees a wide range of services, directly within the workplace, to help manage every-day life errands, such as laundry, tailoring, car maintanance, groceries, day-care etc.

This way, we help people save time increasing quality of life, and companies strengthen their relationship with employees, be more productive and more attractive to new talents.

Needo (MO)

NEEDO is an on-demand nursery school that can be set up anywhere for any period of time in response to the needs of families, companies, or small communities. The aim is to help reconcile home and work schedules and female employment.

It is an educational service that puts together a complete package of services: an enclosed space (making use of regenerated marine containers from a circular-economy perspective), a sustainable approach, educational design, trained and qualified teachers, canteen, and all services.

Inner.ME (BO)

Inner.ME è il primo progetto italiano di People Care finalizzato a diffondere la cultura dell’autenticità in modo trasversale
all’interno delle aziende. 

L’applicazione mobile, destinata ai knowledge workers e dotata di 4 percorsi di crescita, principi di mindfulness e strumenti di life coaching, accompagna l’utente in un viaggio per ritrovare sé stesso e sviluppare consapevolezza dei propri talenti.