ICT, Creative Industry and Design

Guardian srl (RN)

Guardian is an innovative start-up that designs, develops, industrializes, and produces advanced IoT digital platforms specialized in environmental monitoring. These are used for the protection, safety, and safeguarding of people and infrastructures, with detection and early warning systems for earthquakes, environmental and natural disasters, and domestic accidents.

Needo (MO)

NEEDO is an on-demand nursery school that can be set up anywhere for any period of time in response to the needs of families, companies, or small communities. The aim is to help reconcile home and work schedules and female employment.

It is an educational service that puts together a complete package of services: an enclosed space (making use of regenerated marine containers from a circular-economy perspective), a sustainable approach, educational design, trained and qualified teachers, canteen, and all services.

Inesse Corporation (BO)

l progetto denominato Superfoils15 è assolutamente innovativo; è basato sull’utilizzo di appendici fluidodinamiche estraibili (chiamate Foils) poste sotto lo scafo, che permettono in corsa il sollevamento dello scafo stesso. La regolazione di queste ali agisce inoltre sulla posizione dell'imbarcazione sull'acqua, garantendo in completa sicurezza, velocità di punta molto elevate, consumi estremamente ridotti e un comfort irraggiungibile da qualsiasi imbarcazione sprovvista di questa tecnologia.

Elisium (MO)

Elisium created a system called Mat.

Its most innovative characteristic is the integration of vocal commands with the artificial intelligence algorithms that are becoming widespread in the very latest car models. These are combined in a product that can be fitted in any car put into production over the last 20 years. This "vehicle to everything" approach allows any car to interact with all the elements that are beginning to delineate the modern "smart city".

Vibre (FC)

VIBRE is a startup that was founded in Cesena and operates in the sector of brain-computer interfaces.

The startup, founded by a team of bio-engineers, software engineers and clinicians, aims to make brain-computer interfaces available for mass consumption, giving companies in the sector the opportunity of developing products and applications that are fully or partly controlled by the brain.