circular economy

Zero3 srl (RA)

Zero3's services include system design, environmental consulting, production feasibility analyses, thermographs and thermographic diagnosis. They offer a product line branded 03 Stabilizer® relevant to decarbonisation, environmental sustainability, and energy transition.

Recover Ingredients (RA)

Recover Ingredients converts by-products from the food industry into high added value materials for the production of innovative natural cosmetics and intelligent fertilizers for agriculture.

Our products are realized applying green processes, uniting high performance with high safety standards for the protection of consumers and the environment.


Lac2Lab (BO)

In vitro cell cultivation is a widely applied technology worldwide in the fields of pharmacology, cosmetics, diagnostics, and research, normally using foetal bovine serum (FBS) as a nutrition source. However, its use is subject to the limitations of high and constantly rising costs, and some ethical issues since the production process is mainly based outside of the European continent.

Celestino s.r.l.s. (PR)

La neo impresa ha sviluppato e commercializza CELESTINO, dispositivo intelligente dotato di micro sensori che permettono il monitoraggio della quantità e della qualità di due fluidi in particolare: la risorsa idrica domestica (linea AGUA) e il carburante (linea FUEL).

Celestino permette quindi il miglioramento della qualità delle emissioni in atmosfera grazie al controllo della reale composizione del carburante immesso nel serbatoio, oltre a ridurre il consumo idrico potabile tramite controllo delle quantità consumate.


The aim of the company is the development, production and marketing of innovative products and services with high technological content, for the treatment and exploitation of waste sludge and industrial or civil solid-liquid suspensions, agribusiness waste and by-products, with the aim of reducing the quantities consigned for disposal, as well as obtaining new products like biodegradable plastics (PHAs or polyhydroxyalkanoates) and other renewable chemical products.

Argi Tech s.r.l. (BO)

Argi Tech make and sell premixed clay-based plaster, along with natural and recycled products for bio-architecture.
Our main innovation is the product, "Argi Lite Bio Thermal Plaster".

This is an indoor thermal plaster based on clay, organically cultivated hemp, recycled cellulose, and recycled cellulose flock. Our other products are:

TomaPaint (PR)

TomaPaint is an innovative startup with the objective of marketing a bio-resin extracted from agro-industry waste tomato (mostly skins), which forms the main component of bio-paints or bio-coatings, for use in the food packaging sector. The founders of TomaPaint derive from different training backgrounds: